Photographing Art To Sell or Share Online

The internet is becoming an increasingly popular way for artists to sell their work. If you want to make the most out of selling your art online, it’s important to get professional-looking photographs of your artwork. Here are some tips on how to photograph art and maximize its impact online:

1. Lighting - Make sure that there is enough light on the piece without making it too bright or casting unwanted shadows. Natural lighting from a nearby window works best but studio lights can be used as well. 

2. Background - Choose a plain, simple background so that all attention is drawn to the artwork itself and not what’s behind it. White or black backgrounds look best when photographing art pieces but other colors can be used if desired. 

3. Camera Settings - Use a camera with manual settings so that you can adjust the focus and lighting for each piece of art individually. A good quality DSLR is recommended but even phone cameras can work in a pinch. 

4. Composition - Take several shots from different angles to ensure you get the best view of your artwork, making sure to capture any interesting details or textures. Experiment with close up shots as well as wide angle perspectives to show off your art’s shape, color, or texture. 

5. Editing - Once you have taken the photos, use photo-editing software such as Photoshop or Lightroom to touch up and enhance the images before posting them online. This will ensure that the photos look their best and reflect the true beauty of your artwork. 

Following these tips will help you create stunning photographs of your artwork to help you attract buyers and make a great impression online. With a bit of practice, you’ll be ready to show off your art in its best light!


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