How To Get Started Selling Artwork Online As An Artist

Starting an online art business can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and strategies, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 tips for artists looking to get started selling their artwork online.

  1. Build a strong online presence: In today’s digital age, it’s important to have a strong online presence to reach potential customers. This includes having a professional website, an active social media presence, and a clear branding strategy. Your website should showcase your artwork, provide information about your art, and have a way for customers to contact you or purchase your art. Social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok can be great tools for promoting your art and connecting with potential customers.

  2. Utilize online marketplaces: Online marketplaces like Fine Art America can be a great way to get started selling your art. These platforms have a built-in audience of potential customers, and they handle many of the technical aspects of selling online, such as payment processing and customer service. You can create your own free account here to start selling art online.

  3. Create high-quality product photos: The quality of your photos can make or break a sale, so it’s important to invest in good lighting and a good camera. If you don’t have access to professional photography equipment, you can still take great product photos by using natural light and a smartphone with a high-quality camera.

  4. Write compelling product descriptions: In addition to high-quality product photos, it’s important to write compelling product descriptions to give potential customers a sense of what your art is all about. Your product descriptions should include information about the materials and techniques you used, as well as any inspiration or backstory behind the piece.

  5. Set competitive prices: Setting competitive prices for your art can be a tricky balance. On the one hand, you want to make a profit, but on the other hand, you don’t want to price yourself out of the market. One way to determine a fair price for your art is to research what similar artists are charging and see where you fall in comparison. You can also consider the cost of materials, the time it took to create the piece, and any overhead costs you may have.

  6. Offer a variety of payment options: Offering a variety of payment options can make it easier for customers to purchase your art. This can include options like credit card payments, PayPal, and even the option to pay in installments.

  7. Promote your art: In addition to utilizing online marketplaces and social media, there are many other ways to promote your art and reach potential customers. This can include participating in local art shows and exhibitions, collaborating with other artists or small businesses, and offering special deals or promotions.

  8. Stay organized: Running an online art business can be overwhelming, especially when you’re just getting started. It’s important to stay organized and keep track of tasks, orders, and customer information. There are many tools available to help with this, such as spreadsheets, project management software, and even paper and pen.

  9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Starting an online art business can be a lot of work, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. This can include seeking advice from more experienced artists or business owners, hiring a virtual assistant to help with tasks like marketing and customer service, or even outsourcing the production of your artwork to a print-on-demand service like Fine Art America.

  10. Keep learning: The art world is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques. This can include taking online courses or workshops, joining artist communities or organizations, and staying active on social media to connect with other artists and learn from their experiences.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful online art business. It’s important to remember that building an online art business takes time and effort, but with hard work and dedication, you can turn your passion for art into a thriving career.

Click the button below to sign up for your free artist account on Fine Art America and start selling your art online.


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